Fail Roleplay (RP)

This is anything the can be considered an Unrealistic Situation. This is usually Common Sense, simply ask yourself these questions: Does this happen IRL? or Would you do this IRL? or Does this match your character's storyline?

No Fail RP (Includes messing around and horse-playing) because this is PROHIBITED!

If you are injured or hurt you have to RP your injuries realistically. For example: if you are in a police chase and your car crashes you can not just jump out of the car and run. Not role-playing injuries is Fail-RP and can result in a FINE or BAN being issued!


1) Not role-playing injuries - Use Common Sense (Consider Injury and Recovery Time for Better RP)

2) Unrealistic Driving - Ramping off Buildings or Hills, off-roading in non off-road vehicles

3) Horse-playing - Shooting or Randomly Punching your Friends or Group Members (Messing around)

4) Using "Ragdoll" Exploits to Loop-hole being shot - Ban issued for Minor Exploiting depending on Severity 5) Major Head-glitching on an Exploit like level!

6) Failure to respond to /me or /do's to avoid RP Scenarios

7) Using a phone while handcuffed or tied!

8) Using emotes or glitches to go through walls or buildings - Ban issued for Minor Exploiting depending on Severity 9) Carrying someone out of a Vehicle by pressing "X" with NO RP! - Exploit Offence Category 10) Players SHOULD NOT be "Speed Boosting" / Strafing in an Unrealistic Way! - Exploit Offence Category. Unrealistic for you to be Teleporting all over the place in PvP! 11) You cannot wear a mask unless engaging in illegal activity! We are not an 100k or Die server there is no reason to wear a mask unless engaging in a crime. Please use /mask to equip and unequip a mask when needed. 12) *Temporary* While the Kentrell Virus is actively an illness in the city the only mask permitted while not engaged in illegal activity would be the surgical mask and the cloth mask that covers the nose and mouth only. Please use common sense

These are NOT ALL the Fail-RP Examples & Rules. As stated before, and in the Disclaimer too, you MUST use Common Sense at all times. If you feel like you won't be able to do set action in real-life, then DO NOT do it while role-playing on the server as it won't be realistic!

Jail time for Fail RP is 6 Hours or ban

Last updated