Gang Roleplay

Information on Gang Applications & Rules-Regulations!

How to Apply for a Whitelisted Gang:

STEPS & PROGRESSION 1) Open a Support-Ticket in Discord 2) Provide the Names of Potential Gang Members. Must have 6 members to get started. - PROVIDE: Discord Name(s) & Tags (IDs) ex. DiscordUser#2236 3) Inform of your Desired & Planned Flag Color (Insignia) or Designated Clothing! 4) The Name of your Gang & Group alongside the Leader & Co-Leader of the Gang! - Gang Names CANNOT be offensive, based on real gangs or break Streaming TOS Rules!

Once you submit this information, it will be reviewed by the Staff Team and considered for a PROBATIONARY PERIOD! If you are accepted as a "Probationary Clique", you will be allowed to start abiding by the rules of gang roleplay. You will not be able to import a custom flag or chains until the probationary period is over. Once the 2 week probation ended you'll be considered a Whitelisted Gang.

Whitelisted Gang & Group Rules

All scenes require reason and a story build-up you can not interact with or kill someone without valid reason. All scenes require 2 interactions prior to a KOS. Please make sure you are valuing the RP. And clip all interactions in case staff need to review. Hold your clips for at least 24 hours. Clips should be at minimum 90 seconds

Details of the 2 Interaction Rule

  • 1st interaction must build the story: This beef must occur naturally or be based off an ongoing storyline/history of beef. A threat must be made, some sort of violence or hostility for this to be considered a valid interaction. You can not rob or kill in the 1st interaction.

20 minute cooldown required after this interaction

  • 2nd Interaction: This interaction must have some sort of violence, threats or hostility is necessary to make this a valid interaction. Robbery is allowed on the 2nd. You can not kill during this interaction.

20 minute cooldown required after this interaction

  • 3rd Interaction: Once you've had 2 interactions you and the rival gang will not enter a KOS. We do ask that during although you've entered a KOS you still attempt to create good scenes with verbal altercations however you will not be penalized for shooting on sight this will last until a server restart and you will then need to restart with interaction 1. 20 minute cooldown required after each scene. Once you leave a scene and can no longer see the targeted person you are no longer apart of that scene and can not return. Clipping Requirements

    • Clips with no audio cannot be used.

    • All interactions must be posted in your gang threads within 4 hours of your scene or before the end of the day at 11:59 PM CST

    • All shooters must have their POV

    • You must hold on to your clip for a minimum of 24 hours Format for thread

      • Opposing Faction:

      • Interaction # & description of beef:

      • 90 second or longer clip:

Gang & Group Rules 1) There must be a 20 minute cool down between all interactions. 2) After a restart you must start over with interaction one you can not continue to KOS after the server restart 3) You are allowed a MAXIMUM of 16 MEMBERS 4) Your Members MUST join the faction discord and receive their Gang Role. If they do not have their role they are considered civ and you will be fined 250k sliding with civs. 5) Once you leave a Whitelisted Gang or Group, more than twice you will receive a gang hopper role. 6) Do not create violent interactions with civilians unless they approach you first and initiate a hostile rp scenario.. 7) You MUST have your Flags or other Designated Clothing on AT ALL TIMES while you are "sliding" or "on your block". 8) Gangs can ONLY slide 8 DEEP! One person per seat! you CANNOT use trunks or carry people when you are sliding. No more than 2 cars for Motorcycles/Bikes 1 person per Motorcycles/Bikes no more than 8

Gang & Group Rules are SUBJECT TO CHANGE at any period in time!

If the staff team feels that a gang or group does not hold value to the RP in the city. A vote can be held inside of the staff team to shut the group or gang down, removing all member roles from said group, gang, or family.

Last updated