Whitelisted Job Rules
City Of Dallas RP has Whitelisted Professions (Job Titles) that are either applied for or obtained through in-game recruitment! Certain Jobs have certain Rules to ensure that no one Power-Games or joins becomes that profession with the wrong intentions!
Los Santos Police Department (Rules)
The Police Department (LSPD) is one of the Key & Lore Departments within the City Of Dallas RP FiveM Community. This Department (Profession) is extensively demanding and requires activity!
Absolutely ZERO TOLERANCE for Corrupt Police Officers - If caught being corrupt your character serves "life-in-jail" - "life-in-jail" means you have to remake your character, or you get CK'd - No Distribution of PD Issued Weapons or Evidence Lockers & Favoritism
Absolutely no abuse of "F6" & Police Menus - You CANNOT use Police Menus while Off-Duty! - You MUST Clock-Out In-Game if you are going Off-Duty!
Pocketing & Distributing Evidence or Leaving Information & Frequencies - Once you join PD you MUST drop all Criminal-Relations! - You CANNOT be involved in Gangs or with Criminals On-Duty & Off-Duty - You CANNOT steal items from evidence (Staff will Investigate & BAN)
Professionalism & Activity is a MUST as PD is a demanding profession - If you join LSPD for the wrong reasons you can be removed at any time!
Follow the Penal Code & Not Abusing Jail Timers & Tickets (Fines) - You CANNOT Sentence a Person(s) to jail without the Appropriate RP! - Sending people to Jail through the MDT without RP will be Fail RP!
LSPD is one of the BEST PAID professions in the City, forth why it's so demanding & core alongside EMS & Other White-listed Professions alongside all the Profession Rules!
The Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) is very demanding. This Profession (Job) is NOT for everyone, you should be resilient and have good integrity. You MUST be able to handle the stress from the job at times while remaining active and professional.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Rules
The Medical Department (EMS) is one of the Key & Lore Departments within the City Of Dallas RP FiveM Community. This Department (Profession) is extensively demanding and requires activity!
Absolutely ZERO TOLERANCE for Corrupt EMS workers. - If caught you'll be removed from the Department & Fined - You CANNOT hand out Medical Items (Med kits) to Civilians or PD! - Absolutely NO favoritism, you MUST treat everyone unbiasedly! - EMS Issued Items MUST be stored in Locker or Vehicle when Off-Duty! - EMS Selling drugs on or off duty!
Using EMS Powers (Abilities) while Off-Duty - You CANNOT revive yourself or others while Off-Duty! - You CANNOT be involved with Gangs while On-Duty or Off-Duty
Professionalism & Activity is a MUST as EMS is a demanding profession - If you join EMS for the wrong reasons, you can be removed at any time!
No Gang Affiliation or Involvement - You represent EMS On-Duty & Off-Duty - Do NOT commit crimes while On-Duty or Off Duty (Not Immune to Arrest)
Never Carry Weapons while On-Duty as EMS - You are Immune to being harmed as EMS, so you CANNOT have weapons!
EMS is one of the BEST PAID professions in the City, forth why it's so demanding & core alongside LSPD & Other White-listed Professions alongside all the Profession Rules!
The Medical Department (EMS) is very demanding. This Profession (Job) is NOT for everyone, you should be resilient and have good integrity. You MUST be able to handle the stress from the job at times while remaining active and professional.
The Mechanic Profession (Job) Rules
Mechanics are a Key Profession within the City Of Dallas RP FiveM Community. This Job extensively demanding and requires activity because people are always looking to have their Vehicles Repaired or Repaired throughout the Day! Activity is a MUST to become a Mechanic on PLRP!
AGE REQUIREMENT: N/A (Server's Minimum Age)
Absolutely ZERO TOLERANCE for Scamming Players! - You CANNOT over-charge someone because they are in Rival Gangs! - Removing Vehicle Parts from Cars being Worked on! - You CANNOT half-fix Vehicles & Charge Full Price!
You CANNOT be "biased" and refuse to fix vehicles for Rival Gangs - Once in the Mechanic Shop, it's BUSINESS ONLY no Gang Beef while working!
You would be REQUIRED to remain active throughout time, if you intend on just holding Roster Positions you would be asked to resign, so that someone more active can take your position!
Last updated