Use of /Me & /DO
Usage of a /ME or /DO should only be for roleplay purposes ONLY. For a /ME or a /DO to be valid, it must end with a period or a question mark. When using a /ME, your character has put what they are thinking into roleplay. This thought CANNOT be acted on by others and CANNOT not be repeated in roleplay.
John Doe /me Thinks about going to Walmart.
However, a /ME can be used as an action long as your action is for yourself.
John Doe /me Takes paper from the desk and begins to read out loud.
When using a /DO, your character is starting an action. A /DO should always be followed by would
then the action. This action CAN be acted upon by players close enough to read the /DO.
John Doe /do Would snatch chain off male and puts on.
DISCLAIMER: Failure to use /Me or /DO right can land you in jail forn up to 6 hours Key Binding /ME or /DO are not allowed unless your job calls for it.
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