LEO Expectations

Information on Gang Applications & Rules-Regulations!

LEO Interactions

As an LEO you are expected to maintain a level of professionalism at all times. Do not misuse or abuse your powers. 1) When cuffing someone you MUST be behind that person. If they are faced towards you request that they put their hands behind their backs. If they refuse or run it is then OK to tackle and forcefully cuff 2) When responding to an active shootout you must approach with your lights & sirens on, Shooters should run as they hear sirens approach or see lights. 3) If you are responding to shots fired alone value your life! If the shooter(s) did not cease fire and it is ongoing fall back from the scene and capture the shootout with your bodycam / dash cam. - By doing this you create opportunity for a raid if you are able to identify the persons/ gang 4) You MUST see hand to hand for drug calls in order to make an arrest. Please be sure to clip Hand to Hand transactions and hold this clip at least 24 hours.

Last updated