
Power Gaming can be seen as many different things, it can be abusing GTA V Mechanics that wouldn't be realistic to get a gain in RP, which could also be classed as Fail RP or even Minor Exploiting depending on the circumstances. POWER GAMING is performing an Unrealistic Action against someone without providing them an opportunity to evade such an action, or forcing it upon them.

The act of using an in-game mechanic, any external information, or a roleplay concept to favour your own character or story, and give them an unfair advantage. Power Gaming can take several forms.


1) Role-playing have "Special" powers to gain an unfair advantage - Super Strength or Magical Abilities - Using /me to gain advantage (e.g. Torture RP > You not feeling pain)

2) Hearing Conversations from far away or through walls!

3) Doing a /me stating "Strangles person to death" while standing right besides them

As stated before, Power Gaming can take many forms, and as usual you MUST use Common Sense at all times to avoid things like this happening! Make sure you report it if this happens to you or another player!

Jail Time for Power Gaming is 6 Hours or ban

Last updated