Hostage & Captivity

Kidnapping and holding someone captive is ALLOWED. However, there are certain rules to ensure that the scenario plays out well and no one complains, which they shouldn't be in the first please. You MUST have good reasoning to kidnap someone, you CANNOT see a random person, walk up to them and kidnap them for no supposed reason.


1) You MUST do some sort of /do action to carry the person, you CANNOT just have it as a binded-key, walk up to someone carry them and throw them in the trunk. There MUST be some sort of initiation and conversation before the kidnapping occurs! 2) You CANNOT at any time kidnap an individual with a whitelisted job, including Police Units (PD), and EMS. 3) You CANNOT ransom more than $75,000 from another person in an RP Scenario! This can only be done one time a day. 4) You CANNOT have "Fake Hostages" during Robberies or Bank Heists!

There are also other things that you CANNOT do such as:

You are NOT allowed to abuse dragging or carrying to keep someone captive. This includes dragging or carrying someone in a manner that doesn’t make any sense such as driving, aiming a weapon, carrying a heavy person without any struggle, etc - This will be considered POWER GAMING and you'll be issued a BAN OR FINE!

Really make sure that you've got a good reason to kidnap someone or keep them captive, so that there are no "Cheap RP" Complaints and Player Reports. Ask yourself what the origin and reasoning behind this is.

Last updated