Graphic Mods

The use of graphic mods is not ALLOWED. If you have a graphics mod that uses bullet tracers, bullet effects, or kill effects You will be jailed for no less than 8hrs if found using one.

You CAN NOT use ANY graphic mods that alter your seeing, gun, or killing in the server.

  • The use of bullet tracers is NOT allowed.

  • The use of bullet effects is NOT allowed.

  • The use of Kill or death effects is NOT allowed.

If caught using any of the above you will be jailed. After you are jailed for 8 hours if you are caught again you will be jailed for 24 hours. After your 3rd time, your player will be CK meaning all player data will be wiped including all items paid for at the donor shop and you will have to start over as if you just joined the server.

You may only use a graphic mod.

  • To make your game look more realistic.

Last updated