Green-zones & Territories

KILLING INSIDE A GREEN-ZONE RESULTS IN A CHARACTER DATA WIPE! NO STEALING OR ROBBING VEHICLES INSIDE GREEN-ZONES! 1) Fighting is allowed in GZ however the hospital and police station are excluded from this. 2) Green-zone CANNOT be used for Robbing or Stealing Vehicles! 3) You CANNOT rob or kill someone while they are inside of an E menu 4) No selling drugs, weapons or anything illegal in a Green-Zone. 5) Self defense is NOT a thing inside of a GREEN-ZONES! If you see someone shooting do not step in. YOU WILL BE CHARACTER DATE WIPE TOO! 6) If your player is CK'D you will also take no less than a 4-hours jail time up to 72-hours. The ONLY person that can stop a person from getting a CK is a member that holds the CEO, COO or Head Admin role in the Project Life RP Discord.


1) Business Locations inside only (Clothing stores, Barbershops, Tattoo shops, etc.) 2) Hospitals, Court House & Police Stations (1 Block Radius) 3) Prison and parking lot (CO's and inmates exempt during prison RP) 4) Local & AI Based Businesses (Plasma, Karts, Paintball, etc.) 5) All events are green zones (If posted in the events tabs on Discord)

EXCLUDED GREEN-ZONE LOCATIONS 1) Convenient stores 2) Clubs (strip club/ Night club)

Last updated