New Life Rule (NLR)

If your character gets Killed, the moment they get downed after the timer ends they must FORGET the past 15 MINUTES that had led up to the moment, this means you must roleplay it out that your lost your memory or forgot what happened and CANNOT return back to the scene for revenge. If you receive Medical AFTER being KILLED, you MUST still NLR (New Life Rule) the past 15 Minutes! Regardless of whether you receive medical or not. DO NOT get back into the fight!

Read the following List:


The moment you are Killed it is AUTOMATIC NLR.

1) Players that are Killed CANNOT be wiped of all memory pertaining to a Group or long-term RP and MAY ONLY NLR specific things revolving a Scenario or on-going RP. 2) Players CANNOT loop-hole the 15 Minute Timer. It's recommended that if you got killed during a Gang v Gang Situation, your whole Gang sits out so that you avoid being accused of breaking NLR. This could also go to RP for further medical treatment, as an idea. 3) You CANNOT start ANY Violent-RP during the 15-MINUTES of NLR! However, if someone else starts it then you CAN defend yourself. Make sure you DON'T loop-hole this! It's recommended to remove yourself from the situation completely if downed! 4) This also goes towards revenge-killing, you CANNOT instantly go after the person that killed you previously, once you've received medical treatment or have been released from hospital (bedrest). Make sure that you are being realistic with this. 5) If your gang reminds you of your previous death, you are not allowed to go with them to retaliate on the scenario that led to your death. 6) If placed on crutches or in a wheelchair you MUST roleplay your injuries. Please understand creating any unrealistic roleplay while on crutches or in a wheelchair would fall under Fail Roleplay and break NLR. 7) Any persons on a crutch or wheelchair bound would be "passive players" you can not create any violent interaction with them while they are injured and unable comply with any violent scenes.

Jail time for breaking NLR is 6 Hours. or ban

Last updated